Back and better than EVER!

I’m back! I know, I Know… Hey, Bundles, you’re supposed to be a “professional” or at least part time blogger in your spare time. You know, Makeup, Beauty, and Lifestyle posts? Remember that?

Yes, of course I remember that. Of course I remember my blog. I couldn’t forget my blog even if I tried. Seriously. I’m just a procrastinator, Mmkay?

Haha, but no. I am back and I feel so much better about blogging now. I rekindled my Instagram page. I started posting regularly again and I’m trying to gain followers but its difficult ya know? Real Difficult.

So many people will like a photo or leave RANDOM comments but wont reply and will unfollow after a week or so. Building a social media presence is difficult I see.

Also, My other two projects besides “REBUILD MY INSTAGRAM” Project.

Project Reel Cinema Review and Project All Things Beauty are moving slowly.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m an avid movie watcher and goer. I love movies and tv shows and I can binge watch multiple seasons in one sitting, BU LEEVE me. However, finding time to watch a movie and digest what I saw then having to review it in a way where I dont spoil the movie or anything, is difficult also.

And then there’s my makeup group on Facebook. I have totally let down my group members I believe…but then again, whats new huh?

Anyways, I’m trying here people. I really am. Understand that I’m human with flaws.

If anything, I wish I could have an assistant to help me with all of my social media projects that I have going on… a girl can dream though right?

On the plus side, did I mention that I’m completely obsessed with Spotify now? I used to obsess over YouTube and Pandora…Spotify has taken the number one spot in my life when it comes to music. Total obsession that I’m proud of!

Well, time to rest now. Sleep well or take it easy (depending on when you’re reading this). More Soon. XOXO



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